Tuesday, December 12, 2006

So about the Black Hole

that was the last 4 months or so with out posts. That would be REU work picking up, a nomadic month of August, and fall term at Dartmouth. All went well.

Speaking of the REU though, I am currently in San Francisco at the Annual Americal Geophysical Union Conference to present my results. This would be a lot more exciting if my results were: "Dominica's gonna explode!" as opposed to "inconclusive", which is the truth. Oh well, my poster is pretty at least. Tomorrow will be my first day to tour the poster sessions and see if I can't introduce myself to any potential grad school advisors. More on how that goes in the next couple of days.

So, a couple highlights from today:
-Emily having to drive 3 loops around the Logan Airport departure terminals because America West wasn't a listed airline and we had to keep asking where it was
-Me failing at gambling in the Las Vegas airport because even the nickle slots didn't accept coins. Who lays down even a buck to play nickle slots when you're on an hour layover?
-Me, in the thralls of starvation, buying a $12 sandwich in the San Fran airport as I was walking to get my bags.

As for the future of this blog, I hope to update every week or so, now more with rants and random things that happen as opposed to what I'm up to, since most of the people who might read this will likely be seeing me regularilly and therefore will know what I'm up to. So, look forward to such things as: the hotornot.com experiement write-up, me bitching about the club sports system at Dartmouth, me skiing Tahoe, a rant on injuries in ultimate, and other random stuff likely related to ultimate or skiing.

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