Time: 1:20am
Place: Northwest Quad Dorm
WTF!: Fire alarm
Right as I was about to turn off my computer and go to sleep the fire alarm goes off. Then it stopped, and then it went off again. I exchanged a few confused looks with other people in the hallway before we decided we should go outside. I threw on some clothes and proceeded to stand outside for 15 minutes or so before we were given the all clear to return to our rooms. The fire alarm had simply malfunctioned.
Time: 1:45am
Place: Northwest Quad Dorm
WTF!: Fire alarm %$!!!$#%*$# again!
This time it sounded more serious and didn't shut off. Figuring we'd be told immeditated to return to our rooms, I left the building wearing only shorts. Once we had gathered outside, we were told the fire alarm was broken, that a mechanic was on the way to fix it, and that we would have to stay outside until it was fixed. At least it was a warm night.
Time: 2:45am
Place: Northwest Quad Lawn
WTF!: Thunderstorm
I had been outside an hour, laying on the grass and intermittently talking and sitting in enraged silence with the other geology REU students. This entire time I had been watching lighting and darker sky move slowly towards it. At this time, with maybe 200 people outside, the storm hit with pouring rain and winds that pushed it horizontal under the overhanging roof we were hinding under.
Time: 3:15
Place: Northwest Quad Dorm Lounge
WTF!: Hard as concrete carpeted floor
Clay, Shannon, and I had gone into another dorm around 3am and were attempting to sleep on the floor in a bightly lit room when we got the call finally that we were allowed back into our rooms 90 minutes after being evacuated. They hadn't fixed the fire alarm though, but rather had decided that someone at the front desk had to push the reset button on the alarm system every 10 minutes to keep the alarm from continuously going off.
Time: 3:30
Place: Northwest Quad Dorm
I finally drifted off to sleep for a nice 5 hour respite before waking up to go to work.
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